Facts About Left Handed People

More left handed people alive today, than have ever died.

Actually more men than women are lefthanded and the percentage of left handed people risef from 5% to 10% for period of last 100 years.

Left handed person likely to die on average 9 years earlier than right handed counterparts.

Leonardo da Vinci could write with one hand whilst drawing with the other. If you not impressed, then try it for yourself.

Left handed people are more likely to be creative geniuses. Take a look at list of famouse left handed people:

  • Albert Einstein
  • Isaac Newton
  • Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Pablo Picasso
  • Alexander the Great
  • Julius Caesar
  • NapolĂ©on Bonaparte
  • Henry Ford
  • Lewis Carroll
  • Ringo Starr
  • Bobby Fisher And many other famous left handed people...
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