Mount & Blade Torrent Download

Mount and Blade

Mount and Blade may be the best game about medieval life ever made. Granted, games about the medieval era are few and far between, but they usually focus on adventure or strategy. 

In comparison, it's difficult to easily describe Mount & Blade, but it's a bit like a medieval version of Sid Meier's Pirates. It is part action game, where you can ride into battle, swinging a sword to hack your opponents. It's part role-playing, as you control a character that can level up, learn more skills, and even climb the ladder of feudal society. It is part strategy game, as you hire and train a company of soldiers that fight alongside you in battles. And it all takes place in an open world where you choose to be as noble or as dastardly as you want to be.
While obviously inspired by medieval history, the game is set on a somewhat random fantasy world full of kingdoms that spend a lot of time warring with one another; the setting could have been ripped from any generic fantasy novel. This lack of presentation is also evident in the early parts of the game; you're simply dropped into the world with little guidance or preparation. Still, if you stick with it you'll slowly discover a world full of tensions, trade, and warfare. 

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